It’s a threat that has the power to literally shut down your organization’s operations. Through nefarious means, cyber criminals access your network and install malicious encryption software designed to block you from accessing your data by holding it “hostage” until you pay a ransom. Organizations of all sizes and in all sectors can be targets. But you can mitigate the effects of an attack through technologies from Condrey Corporation based on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.
Identify Your Risks
When it comes to ransomware and other data security concerns, “if you’re not storing it, it can’t be breached.” Condrey Corporation data reporting technologies help you identify outdated files that you should consider moving to archive storage or deleting altogether. Furthermore, you can learn if sensitive files are being stored in secure locations with restricted user access.
Protect Through Access Controls
Access controls limit or contain the impact of a potential cybersecurity event, such as a ransomware attack. Simply stated, when user access is restricted to only the network areas where users need access, the likelihood of ransomware reaching critical high-value targets is greatly diminished. Identity-based network storage and group management technologies from Condrey Corporation protect sensitive files located in high-value targets through identity- and role-based access according to least privilege (PoLP) and zero trust while eliminating “privilege creep.”
Detect Affected Files
As ransomware encrypts files, it typically adds an identifier to each encrypted filename. Assuming an organization has good backup files, it can remove the ransomware and replace the encrypted files with non-encrypted backup files. Condrey Corporation file reporting technology lets you quickly and easily identify files encrypted from ransomware located across your enterprise. From there, you can delete all the encrypted files through an automated workload operation.
Respond Through Remediation
Once an organization has determined that it has been the subject of a ransomware attack, the organization’s series of fast response actions are critical. One of these is taking remediation action on access permissions in the network. Perhaps someone in Accounts Payable introduced ransomware through a disguised invoice. One remediation action would be to determine all folders on the network that the user has access to, then remove all unauthorized access. Condrey Corporation technologies can help you quickly determine all folders that a user can access, then enable you to create policies to quickly disable all unauthorized access.
Recover Encrypted Files
The timely recovery and restoration of data is critical following a ransomware attack. Ideally, organizations will want to recover the data as it existed right before the ransomware attack. Epoch Data Protection policies from Condrey Corporation enable Data Owners to recover data as it existed at a point in time (think of it as a “time machine,”) and in the process, shorten your data recovery time. Epoch Data Protection policies can also recover data permissions, let you check the integrity of archived data at any time, and much more.